My family

Welcome to The Zero-Waste Pet!

Hello, friends! I am so glad you’re here!

This website has been a long, long time in the making.

Let me introduce myself: My name is Maggie, and I’m the dog-crazy cat lady behind the keyboard. I’ve written a blog about mostly dogs and a smidge of cats at for more than 10 years. That’s ancient in blog-world.

Animals, particularly dogs, have been a part of my life forever.

When I was a precocious kiddo at St. Ann’s School, I wrote a play about recycling that the nuns let me stage with the other kids in my class. Since then, I’ve been passionate about eco-friendly living.

Now, I’ve combined the two into this project, The Zero-Waste Pet.

I researched zero-waste living like crazy and found that pet care was a huge gap. Why? Because many zero-wasters think pets are too much of a drain on the environment to be a part of a zero-waste lifestyle.

I disagree.

So, I poured tons of time and effort into pulling together an ebook with a zillion extra resources. I also created a free pet-safe cleaning guide for friends who join the ZWP email list. You can sign up for that here.

I’m thrilled we’re connected. I’d love to meet YOU! Feel free to leave a comment anytime introducing yourself, or if you prefer email you can catch me at

Thanks so much for being here! I can’t wait to walk this path with you!

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